TAXI !!!
Beyond the ability to stay connected and productive from wherever you happen to be on a given day; business travelers and road warriors also yearn for a means of travel that will get them from A-to-B in the shortest amount of time and with the least amount of hassle.

“The air-taxi market is not about luxury travel or vacation getaways. It's about productivity: more time on the ground to make that extra sales call before getting home for dinner, instead of getting caught in the productivity-sapping hub-and-spokes commercial flight system that takes all day (not to mention a hotel stay), leaving room for only one sales call.”
Esther also produced an interesting video on the subject, including an interview with Vern Raburn, CEO of Eclipse Aviation (a company manufacturing the jets that are making this trend a reality).

I’d love to hear from some frequent business travelers about the kind of impact you expect this could have on you personally (So post your comments here). How many of you have already thought about building Air-Taxis into your corporate travel strategy? Are you seeing Air-Taxis as a viable alternative to driving from small city to city and losing time on the road? How much value do you find in the ability to potentially set your own air travel schedule? This is a trend that Mobility Public Relations will be watching as it will undoubtedly have a big impact on the way business travelers think about mobility.
Wow the air taxi sounds cool but when it comes out i bet it costs as much as a private jet does right now.
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